OpenUtilities Substation Help

To Constrain a Remaining Hole

  1. Select the Constrain Feature tool.

  2. Click the Add New Constraints icon and select the Distance icon.
  3. Select the Distance check box.
  4. Select the hole.

    The hole highlights. At the same time, the Equation icon for the Distance setting is enabled.

  5. Click the Equation icon.

    The equation input dialog opens.

  6. In the equation input dialog, select the Locals check box to display local variables for the features on the solid.
  7. In the list of variables, double-click the local variable _HOLE3_Diameter.

    The variable is entered in the text field above.

  8. In the text field, add *1.5 to the variable already present.

    The equation should read _HOLE3_Diameter*1.5.

    This makes the constraint 1.5 times the diameter of the hole.

  9. Click OK.

    The equation dialog closes and the value 15 is entered in the Distance field — this is 1.5 times the diameter (10 mm) of the hole.

  10. Select one of the edges adjacent to the hole.
  11. With a <ctrl+data point>, select the remaining edge adjacent to the hole.

    In each case, the dimension 15 appears dynamically to show the constraint value.

  12. Accept to preview the effect of the constraints.
  13. Accept to complete the addition of the constraints.

    The hole moves to the required location.

    Left: Select the feature (1) and then, after clicking the equation icon and entering the equation, select the edges (2 and 3). | Right: Accept (4), to view the effect of the constraint, and again (5) to accept.

With the features constrained, changes made to the parameters of the underlying slab will result in the features moving, if necessary, to maintain the defined constraints.

When the underlying solid is modified, the features maintain their constraint settings.

Similarly, if changes are made to the parameters of a feature, then it is repositioned, if necessary, to maintain the defined constraint(s).

When a feature is modified, it still maintains its constraint settings.